Employee Change of Address

Current employees can update their address through Employee Online:

  • Log into the CCISD Employee Online Site

  • Select the link for 'Home Address' (just above the link for 'Pay Stub').

  • Select 'Edit' in the lower right corner.

  • Update your address and/or phone number.

  • Select 'Save' in the lower right corner.

Former employees have access to Employee Online for up to 18 months after leaving CCISD.  After that former employees may submit the form at this link to Human Resources in person, or Email CCISD HR

CCISD Employee ID Badges

Employees can Email CCISD HR or call 695-7250 to get information or to schedule an appointment to get an ID Badge.

New employees will be issued ID Badges as they are hired.

Due to the costs associated with the maintenance of the ID badge equipment, there is a $3.00 charge for all replacement badges, which would include name changes, campus/department changes, and lost/stolen badges.

COVID-19 Information

The Texas Department of State Health Services has updated the Texas school exclusion criteria to align the COVID-19 requirements with those like other respiratory viruses, such as flu.  Students and staff will only need to be excluded from school or work until they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and have an improvement in symptoms.  The mandatory 5 day exclusion is no longer a requirement. 

Staff displaying symptoms of COVID-19 at school: (RIPICS p. 7)

Staff members who have COVID – 19 symptoms should remain at home until they have met the following 2 conditions:

  • At least 24 hours have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications) AND

  • The individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath).

Staff members displaying COVID -19 symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19 will no longer need to notify the Office of Employee Benefits nor should they complete the CCISD COVID-19 Employee Survey.  Staff members will follow normal campus/facility procedures to notify the Campus Administrator or Department Supervisor of their illness.  Staff will be required to use any available sick or personal leave for their absence.

Lab or Test confirmed positive for COVID-19: (RIPICS p. 7)

Any person (student or staff) who is lab confirmed positive or has tested positive with an at home testing kit must remain off campus until the the following criteria for re-entry is met:

  • At least 24 hours have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications) AND

  • The individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath).

E-verify Employer

CCISD participates in E-Verify

Legislation requires employers to verify that all newly hired individuals be authorized to work in the United States and to complete an Employment Verification (Form I-9) for each new employee.  Newly hired employees will be required to provide legally acceptable proof of their identity and authorization to work in the US. 

E-Verify is an internet based system operated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA) that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of new hires and the validity of their Social Security Numbers. 

Through participation in the E-Verify program, CCISD electronically verifies the employment eligibility and Social Security Number validity of all new hires.


As outlined in Board Policy DFE, contract employees may resign their positions between school years without penalty if written notice is received by the district 45 days before the first day of instruction for the following school year (i.e., penalty-free resignation date). If your resignation is submitted after the penalty-free resignation date, the District will not release you from your contract until a viable replacement has been secured. Until you have received that notice, you are expected to continue working in your current assignment. If you do not, please understand that the District may submit a written complaint to the State Board for Educator Certification.