Programs of Choice
Find Your Future Program Of Choice
(Scroll to the bottom of this page to fill out the Application Form)
June 15th of every year marks school year change for all applications
WELCOME to the wonderful world of Programs of Choice. There is something for everyone!
Your child belongs here - in Corpus Christi ISD Programs of Choice!
Key Dates:
September 30th & October 1, 2024: CCISD CTE Pathways to your Future Visits
November 6, 2024: Annual CCISD High School Expo (6: 00 pm Carroll HS Arena)
November 1, 2024: Program of Choice Application Open (Traditional High Schools)
April 1, 2025: Program of Choice Application Deadline
April 7-11, 2025: Notification of In-District Acceptance (Traditional High Schools)
June 15th of every year marks school year change for ALL applications.
Early College Dates:
Year-round application for grades 9-12 Collegiate HS/Branch Academy
Fall Lottery - Collegiate HS/Branch Academy-Early College HS for rising 9th grade students only (Deadline December) Notification of Acceptance in January
Spring Lottery - Collegiate HS/Branch Academy-Early College HS for rising 9th grade students only (Deadline March) Notification of Acceptance in April
*Programs subject to change based on enrollment and available staff.
Program Required Information
Corpus Christi ISD offers Career and Technical Education programs in Agriculture, Culinary Arts, Food & Natural Resources, Architecture & Construction, Arts, A/V Technology & Communications, Business Management & Administration, Education & Training, Finance, Health Science, Information Technology, Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security, Manufacturing, Marketing, Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, Transportation, and Distribution & Logistics. Admission to these programs is based on Grade Level. Career and Technical Education programs are open to all students in Grades 7-12.
Corpus Christi ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Career & Technical Education Department/3616957470.
Corpus Christi ISD no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, o discapacidad en sus programas o actividades y brinda igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados. La siguiente persona ha sido designada para manejar consultas sobre las políticas de no discriminación: Career & Technical Education Department/3616957470.
Corpus Christi ISD will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.
Criteria For Acceptance Of A Transfer: In approving a transfer from one CCISD campus to another, the Superintendent or designee will consider the availability of space and instructional staff, the student’s disciplinary history, attendance records and academic performance.
Transportation: of the student to and from school will remain the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Eligibility For UIL Activities: The approval for a CCISD transfer does not guarantee UIL eligibility for a student. Eligibility to participate in University Interscholastic League activities shall be determined by the rules that are established by the most current edition of the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules Handbook. Before you enroll your student/athlete at another Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD) school, please make sure you have met with the Athletic Coordinator or Non-Athletic Activity Sponsor (Music, Drill Team, Theatre, NJROTC, etc.) of the high school in your attendance zone.
Eligibility for Varsity Athletic Competition for high school students shall be in accordance with the Office of Athletics Guidelines for Varsity Athletic Competition. FMI: Office of Athletics at (361) 695-7650
Revocation Of Student Transfer: The receiving principal may, at any time, revoke the transfer of the student during the school year for lack of parental cooperation and/or the following reasons:
(1) fails to attend school without excuse on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year;
(2) fails to maintain satisfactory conduct in and out of classroom and while attending school functions;
(3) fails to maintain passing grades on two report card grading periods and/or fails to progress to the next grade level;
(4) fails to be punctual without excuse and/or picked up daily as per campus regulations on 10 or more days during a semester or 15 or more days during the school year;
(5) commits any other act considered by the principal to be prejudicial to the best interests of the school, subject to review and approval by the Office of Student Support Services and/or
(6) if enrollment exceeds the teacher/student ratio mandated by law or policy.
Students are required to declare an Endorsement and Program of Study (POS) during the ninth grade pre-registration process. The signature of the student and the parent is required to participate in a CTE program. Students who wish to change their Program of Study are required to consult with their academic counselor and present the reason(s) for the desired change. Reasons that will be evaluated include:
Changing to another Program of Study
Not meeting Program of Study’s academic and other industry requirements
Program of Study not offered at current campus
Other (extenuating circumstances - requires CTE review and approval)
Changes to a program of study may affect completion of respective graduation endorsement.
Application Form

Career & Technical Education (CTE) Programs:
Dr. Perez-Peterson-Director of Career & Technical Education 361-695-7470
International Baccalaureate (IB):
William Davis-Director 361-695-7221
Branch Academy & Collegiate HS:
Dr. Rodriguez-Director for Early College Programs & Workforce Education 361-698-2425/361-878-4780