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During the Dec.16 Board of Trustees meeting, CCISD’s school board members took action —as they do each year — to select officers by majority vote. They are:

President: Eric Villarreal

Vice President: Marty Bell

Secretary: S. Jaime Arredondo

Assistant Secretary: Alice Upshaw Hawkins


Additional actions included moving forward with improvements to Miller High School’s Auditorium approved by voters in Bond 2018, and purchase of classroom and office furniture for the new Hamlin and Southeast middle schools. The board also authorized moving forward with the demolition of the old Mary Carroll High School.

Trustees also recognized the December Above the Line employees of the month as well as Academic All-State Volleyball players and students with College Board National Recognition.

Corpus Christi ISD schools and district offices will be closed Monday, Dec. 23, through Friday, Jan. 3, for the district’s annual Winter Break. Monday, Jan. 6, will be a student holiday, with classes resuming Tuesday, Jan. 7.


The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 13.